Sunday, August 07, 2005

Mosquito Country

Anyone here ever been to Blytheville Arkansas? I'm telling you, it's the mosquito capitol of the world. Not that that's a bad thing, just that you can't go outside or open your door to your house or hotel room. It's so bad that they have these little trucks that drive around and spray and they do this I believe 24 hours a day for all of mosquito season. They also use crop dusters for spraying for mosquitos. Why is there a problem? I'm going to guess it's because of all the farmland and standing water from rice fields and stuff. Walnut Ridge has some bad ass mosquitos but it's been quite a while since I've been there--since I was a kid really--and so I can't remember what the little biting motherfuckers were like.

Now, my mom lived in Blytheville when she was growing up and I believe my dad might have lived here for a while. My grandmother on my mom's side died here of cirrhosis of the liver when I was 8...actually, right down the road in Osceola but still...

I should go to the cemetery and find her marker. We went, once, in about 1988 or 89, but I don't think we ever found it. She doesn't have a stone or anything just a little metal platform. One of these days maybe...surely they have a map there that shows where everyone is buried.

So we're up here for Gaye Anne's mom's birthday. We're more or less hanging out, eating, drinking, and being merry. They cook the best damned food I've ever had. I love some good food and this is food I would never attempt to cook. Like chicken alfredo. I'd never cook it but I'll eat the hell out of it. It was so damned good and the salad! It was some great stuff.

Anyway, we're here in Blytheville, hanging out and stuff and I just wanted to do some blogging.



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