Sunday, February 05, 2006

No new blogging lately...

I haven't done a lot of blogging lately. I guess mostly because when I just sit down and hammer out ideas, I don't want them exposed in a public medium. I'd rather have them close and private. I still sometimes fear that I'll be indicted or investigated for some as-yet uncommitted crime and they'll use my journal against me. So, I'm prepared to delete it at a moment's notice. The funny thing is, there is nothing in my journal that even hints at illegal acts. I'm just fearful of my government.

It's cold here in Arkansas and yesterday, they killed that fuck Robida who attacked folks at the gay bar in Massachusetts. Personally, I think he was gay and couldn't accept that. What drives a person to do shit like that? Just show up with a pistol and a hatchet and start whacking? Or like the chick last week in California, the one who shot up the post office? That's one of the reasons I carry a pistol.

I harbor no illusions that I'm invincible or that a pistol makes me invulnerable. But, if given an opportunity to protect myself, I'll have the means.

Speaking of which, a coworker of mine is facing four felony counts for taking a baseball bat--actually, I think it was a soft ball bat--to his estranged wife's boyfriend. In WalMart no less. What the hell was he thinking? I mean, it's on video and he's going to jail and HE was the one with custody of the kids. So who knows? But you know what, if he'd have attacked me, he probably would have more to worry about that jail. Because he hit the guy a couple of times, obviously trying to do damage and cause severe injury or death but he really ended up chasing him--and losing him--down the aisles of WalMart. Someone with a concealed weapons permit would have ran and when this guy with the bat caught up--BANG! Problem solved. That's why people can own and carry guns.

The thing is, he's a nice guy when he's not trying to bludgeon someone to death with a ball bat. Doesn't have a criminal history, etc. He's been separated from this woman for 7 months and if I had to guess, I'd have to say he's getting 10 years minimum unless his lawyer can plea this down, which will be difficult.

Just in case the WalMart video of the attack won't be admissible, the local news organizations have been polluting the potential jury pool by airing it several days in a row on the news and on the morning shows. But it just goes to show you, a security camera only helps prosecute the person who attacks, assaults, batters, rapes, kills, or kidnaps you. So, for all those anti-gun nuts out there, take this with you when you leave: Be responsible for your own safety because no one else is. Don't believe me? Google Gonzales v. City of Castle Rock.

Fuck the Po-Lice.