Saturday, August 20, 2005

Two new stories sent off...

I sent off two stories this morning, one to Wicked Hollow and one to The Book of Dark Wisdom and once again, I'm hopeful. That fucking sucks, getting your hopes all together and then waiting. And waiting. The responses I've been getting are taking more than three months on average and since I try to only send exclusive submissions, it can take more than half a year to send a story to more than one market. I know, I know. Get back to writing and send out THAT story to a separate market. But the thing is, I think my stories are good and I want to get them published somewhere so that others can read them and marvel at my genius.

Genius might be a strong word, now that I pause to think about it. But I want them read anyway and most of my always-readers have read everything I've got.

Horrorfind Weekend is going on right now. I could have gone but it's in Maryland and I refuse to bow to their anti-gun laws. If I'm out on the town, most especially in Baltimore, I want to be able to defend myself and my family. Let's face it, no matter how tough I am, in the face of armed or multiple assailants, I'll lose. So fuck Maryland and maybe some day they'll have HorrorFind Weekend in a city that appreciates--or at least tolerates--the second amendment.

Gotta run and do some stuff. Maybe even write.



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