Monday, August 22, 2005

Horrorfind Weekend's Over and I didn't Go.

Well, it's over and I wanted to go and thought about going and didn't go. Why in the hell do they have all these things, these conventions, in places that are so fucking unfriendly to gun-toting folks? I mean, if I go to San Francisco for World Horror Con, I can't take my gun and why is that? They have guns in California, don't they?

So, Horrorfind Weekend is over and I'll try to plan for one that's held in a cool place like Missouri...yeah, right. Or Texas. I have really been thinking about FenCon in Dallas. It's more fantasy and sci-fi than horror but really, I prefer dark fantasy and sci-fi and I'm not as much into hard sci-fi. So I may go. I may not. I can't decide.

I'll just have to think about it. Am I cutting my nose off to spite my face? Not going to Horrorfind because it's in Baltimore? Maybe. But it's still my choice and I'm not spending money anywhere that I'm welcome but not welcome to defend myself.


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